Funny Kid Stories Funny Answers to Serious Questions
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Kid MCQ trivia questions and answers funny
1. The earth consists of 70% water, which is only _____ of the total mass of the planet.
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2. The collapse of a large dying star leads to the formation of
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3. Comets, asteroids, minor planets, dust, and gas don't revolve around the Sun. True/ False?
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False, everything revolve around the Sun
4. The female's main call is the 'twit' or 'kewick' sound, while the male's reply is the loud 'twoo' or hooting sound. What is this bird?
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5. What is the percentage of the earth consists of volcanoes,
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6. Terrestrial planets have very solid, rocky surfaces, such as
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Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
7. Which animals have the densest fur of any mammal: a large male has around 800 million hairs, compared to just five million on a human.
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8. This from the Galápagos Islands near Ecuador can weigh up to 250kg (550lbs) – the same as a brown bear. What is this?
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9. Gas giants like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune composed mostly of
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Frozen hydrogen and helium
10. Do the internet and the World Wide Web is the same thing?
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11. What percentage of the earth's soil is fertile and used to grow crops?
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12. While they grow, they have a velvety covering. When they are fully grew, the 'velvet' is shed and rubs away. Guess what
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13. What is a collection of linked pages that can be used with the help of the internet and a web browser?
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14. What is the role of fuses those are in all electrical devices
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Fuses prevent any damage or fire by breaking if there is a power surge
15. What lays batches of around 100–150 white eggs, and may lay more than 500 eggs in her lifetime of just a few days?
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16. A jaguar can see in the dark ___ times better than a human.
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17. What percentage of the earth is covered in ice?
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18. Electronic computers were developed around the 1940s and were the size of a
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19. Which animals always give birth to four identical babies?
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20. Who sketched out designs for a humanoid robot in 1495 that we see now?
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21. Which insects can jump to a height of up to 60 times their own body length?
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22. The temperature of the earth's core is around 7,500 Kelvin, which is hotter than the surface of the
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23. To hover, which birds may beat their wings up to 200 times per second?
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24. What percentage of the earth's surface are desert lands?
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25. Out of the Ancient Wonders of the World, which is the oldest and the one that remains mostly intact now?
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26. What is the meaning of the word 'Engineer' itself comes from a Latin word, which means
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27. Venice city is not built on concrete, rather on
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28. What are the largest land mammals in North America?
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29. WHat is the name of the most remote island in the world, located 3,240 miles (5,215 km) from the coast of New Zealand?
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30. The axis of the earth is tilted at an angle of
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31. Which Countries Span More Than One Continent?
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Egypt, Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan
32. The Killer Whale (also known as Orca) is actually a type of
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33. How many islands are there in Venice
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34. Which Countries Border More Than One Ocean?
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South Africa, Russia, Indonesia, Australia, Canada, thee are some others!
35. Astonishingly, oceanographers believe that how much of the World Ocean has been explored?
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36. What Was The First Thing On Earth?
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Zircon crystals, forming 4.4 billion years ago
37. Where do the dolphins live?
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38. What causes us to have four seasons in a year?
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39. What are some animals with more than one heart?
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Cockroach, Octopus, Hagfish, Squid, Earthworms
40. What are the Five Senses?
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eyes, ears, skin, nose, tongue (Sight, Hearing, Touch, Smell, Taste)
41. The pattern of wrinkles on a gorilla's nose is unique to each one and is known as a
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42. What is the result of very strong earthquakes on the ocean floor?
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43. Which animals do not have collar bones, and their backbones are very flexible?
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44. A, C, D, E, K, and the B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyroxidine (B6), biotin (B7), folate (B9) and cobalamin (B12). What re these essential things?
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45. What is the 5 most popular fruit in the World?
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Tomatoes, Bananas, Watermelons, Apples, Gapefruits
46. How many bones a giraffe has in its neck, which is the same as a human has, but they are much larger
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47. What are the four fat-soluble vitamins?
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48. The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are joined by
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49. Which animal has the loudest roar of all the big cats, can be heard as far as 5km (3 miles) away?
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50. What is arguably the most important vitamin you could take?
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51. What is the color of a polar bear's hair?
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52. It is actually a hormone; it's not even a vitamin and it affects our entire body. What is this vitamin?
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53. What Does Furlough Mean?
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Furloughs are mandatory suspensions from work without pay
54. What Does Endemic Mean?
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Species that exist in only one geographic region and nowhere else
55. Which mammals can stay underwater for up to 27 minutes and dive as far as 500m deep?
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56. What Does Living In Exile Mean?
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To live away from one's home, often by force
57. How Many People Have Ever Lived On Earth?
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58. What is the name of substance both male and female pigeons produce called to feed their chicks?
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59. Female _____ are called cows, males are called bulls and young dolphins are called calves.
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60. What is the longest tunnel in the world?
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Delaware Aqueduct, USA (137 km)
61. Muscle pulls, and cramps, back strains, tennis elbow, foot aches, sprained ankles, and shin splints are injuries common to
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62. Most tennis rackets have a string tension of around 50 to 70 pounds, so high tension while playing tennis results in
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More control and less effort
63. Which animals have two different air passages, one for breathing and another for smelling?
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64. longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries, referring to a lung disease is
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65. Conservation workers use photos and sketches of gorillas' ____ to keep track of individuals.
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66. It is often seen as a glimpse of voters' state of mind in the election and the ground for each political party to choose their candidate. What is this?
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67. the moon can appear to be about 7% larger, up to 15% brighter, and at least within 90% of its perigee, this moon is called
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68. Which fruit takes 2 years to grow and mature?
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69. What are the only birds in the world that can fly sideways, backwards, up and down, and even hover in mid-air?
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70. Blood Falls is Antarctica from Taylor Glacier caused by
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Algae mingled with high oxidized iron content
71. Whose teeth are so sharp that its bite may not be felt at all?
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72. Unlike any other bird, which birds have nostrils at the end of their long beaks?
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73. Endemic to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines, which trees appear as though paint dripped down them but their incredible colors are naturally occurring?
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74. Which bird can run faster than horses?
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75. Which mammals can drink salty water?
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Wild Bactrian (two-humped) camels
76. Which is the only fruit whose seed grows on the outside?
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77. What percentage of DNA humans share with chimpanzee?
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78. Which bird can roar like lions?
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79. There are no male or female earthworms. All earthworms have both male and female parts – but it still takes two of them to reproduce. True/ False?
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80. In ancient times, what were used to keep track of the calendar and for navigation?
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81. Humans get a little ____ in space because there is no gravity pulling down on them.
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82. Even if an analog clock is broken, at least it shows the correct time
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83. Although the Stegosaurus dinosaur was over 9 metres long, its brain was only the size of a
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84. Most of the dust in your home is actually
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85. Whose tongue is at least as long as its body, but it can grab prey in a fraction of a second?
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86. Who can see behind themselves without even moving their heads?
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Rabbits, frogs and parrots
87. The trickiest tongue twister in the English language is apparently
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"Sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick"
88. A hippopotamus may seem huge but it can still run faster than.
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89. What insects taste food by standing on top of it?
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90. There is an area around the Pacific Ocean where tectonic plates meet, it holds around 75% of the volcanoes on Earth. What is this called?
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91. What are the closest living relatives of Hippo?
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Aquatic mammals such as whales, dolphins and porpoises
92. This is around six times hotter than the surface of the sun. It can reach up to 54,000 degrees Fahrenheit (30,000 degrees Celsius). What is it?
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93. He still has to shower before we can leave — hold your horses. What does "hold your horses" mean here?
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Wait a minute; be patient
94. Many people want to travel the world before they kick the bucket. What does "kick the bucket" mean here?
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95. You can beg until you're blue in the face, but you're not having ice cream for dinner. What does "blue in the face" mean here?
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Exhausted from great, generally futile, effort
96. Their taste receptors are in their feet, unlike humans who have most on their tongue. Who are they?
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97. What is the size of a lightning bolt?
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98. Which animal can run at speeds of around 31km per hour (20mph), but their key skill is endurance?
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99. An eagle's eyes are at least four times sharper than a human's. True/ False?
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100. If a starfish is split into five pieces, so long as each piece contains part of the central disc, then how many will survive?
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Easy Ways to Boost Student Motivation
If kids aren't motivated, even the greatest classes, books, and tools won't make them enthused about learning and eager to work hard.
Teachers may play a crucial role in giving and supporting intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in their pupils at all levels of their education. Of course, that's easier said than done, because every student is driven differently, and it takes time and a lot of effort to have a classroom full of kids who are excited about learning, working hard, and pushing themselves to succeed.
Even the most well-intentioned and educated teachers often struggle to keep students on track, so whether you're a novice or seasoned teacher, consider implementing these strategies to boost student motivation and push them to reach their full potential.
1. Switch up your surroundings
A classroom is an excellent learning environment, but for some kids, sitting at a desk day after day might get tedious. Allow your pupils to leave the classroom to rekindle their interest in the subject matter or in studying in general.
Take field trips, invite lecturers, or simply do some study at the library. The brain thrives on novelty, and for some students, a new environment may be precisely what they need to stay motivated to learn.
2. Provide incentives
Everyone enjoys receiving awards, and giving your kids the opportunity to earn them is a great way to keep them motivated. Pizza parties, movie nights, or even a simple sticker on a piece of paper may motivate children to work harder and achieve their goals. Consider your students' personalities and requirements while deciding on acceptable incentives for your lesson.
3. Assist kids in discovering innate drive
It's fantastic to assist kids in being motivated, but they must be able to develop their own drive at the end of the day. One of the most significant gifts you can offer students is to assist them in discovering their own personal motivations for performing classwork and working hard, whether it is because they find content intriguing, want to go to college, or simply like learning.
4. Make things enjoyable
Students who perceive school as a place where they may have fun will be more motivated to pay attention and accomplish the work that is asked of them than those who see it as a duty.
Including exciting activities throughout the school day may help children who struggle to stay involved, as well as make the classroom a more welcoming environment for all students.
5. Make use of healthy competition
Competition in the classroom isn't necessarily a terrible thing, and it may push students to strive more and work harder to achieve their goals. Encourage a pleasant atmosphere of competitiveness in your classroom, possibly through material-related group games or other chances for students to 'show off' their knowledge or abilities.
6. Allow pupils to collaborate with one another
While not all students will leap at the chance to work in groups, many will find it enjoyable to work together to solve issues, conduct experiments, and complete projects.
Students can inspire one another to achieve a goal through social contact, which can make them interested in things in the classroom. Teachers must, however, ensure that groups are balanced and fair so that no pupils are assigned more work than others.
7. Use student passions to your advantage
Knowing your students also offers additional advantages, such as allowing you to tie course material to topics or experiences that students are interested in. Teachers may exploit students' passions to make things more fascinating and relatable for them, keeping them engaged for longer periods of time.
8. Provide a variety of experiences
Lessons will not be received in the same manner by all pupils. Hands-on experiences may be the best for some. Others may choose to read quietly or collaborate in groups.
To keep all students engaged, change up your classes so that pupils with varied interests can spend time doing what they enjoy the most. This will assist kids in remaining interested and paying attention.
9. Get to know your kids
It takes more than learning their names to get to know your pupils. Students must believe that their teacher is really interested in them and is concerned about their achievement.
When students feel valued, they feel comfortable in the classroom and are motivated to perform more because they want to get praise and positive comments from someone who knows and respects them as people.
10. Assign pupils with responsibilities
Assigning children to classroom duties is a terrific approach to foster a feeling of community and motivate them. Most students will regard their classroom tasks as a luxury rather than a burden, and they will work diligently to ensure that they and their classmates are fulfilling expectations. Allowing children to take turns leading events or assisting out can also help them feel important and respected.
11. Take steps to reduce kid's anxiety
Some students grow so anxious about the idea of failing that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Teachers may discover that teaching these children that failing a topic isn't the end of the world motivates them the most. Provide encouragement regardless of the outcome, and make sure pupils aren't so overwhelmed by expectations that they give up.
12. Instill a sense of control in kids
While a teacher's supervision is essential for keeping students on track and motivated, giving students some choice and influence over what occurs in the classroom is one of the most effective methods to keep them interested.
Allowing students to select the sort of assignment they do or the issues they work on, for example, might offer them a sense of control that may encourage them to accomplish more.
13. Keep track of your progress
It might be tough for students to realize how far they've come, especially in challenging areas. Not just for teachers, but also for students, tracking can be useful in the classroom. Teachers may utilize this to boost student motivation by allowing them to see how much they've learned and improved as the year progresses.
14. When praise is due, give it
Encouragement may be the only type of motivation that works as effectively as it does. Even as adults, we want to praise and recognition, and schoolchildren of all ages are no exception.
Teachers may provide a wealth of encouragement to pupils by publicly praising accomplishments, expressing praise for a job well done, and sharing excellent work.
15. Give them chances to succeed
Even the finest students might become dissatisfied and demotivated if they believe they are struggling or not receiving the same praise as their peers. Ensure that all students have the opportunity to showcase their talents and feel included and respected. It can make a significant impact on student motivation.
16. Set a high bar for yourself, but one that you can achieve
Most pupils will not want to push themselves on their own if you don't encourage them to accomplish more than the basic minimum. Pupils enjoy being pushed and will work hard to meet high expectations if they feel they can attain them, so don't be hesitant to push students to do more.
17. Encourage self-awareness
Most youngsters want to achieve; they just need some assistance finding out how to get there. Encourage your kids to examine themselves and establish their own strengths and flaws as a means of motivating them.
Students are generally more motivated to write these sorts of self-critiques than to have a teacher do it for them because it gives them a sense of control over their own ambitions and aspirations.
18. Provide comments on your learning and opportunities to improve
Students who struggle with classwork may get discouraged and depressed, resulting in a loss of motivation. Teachers must offer appropriate learning feedback in these instances to assist students to understand where they went wrong and how they may be better next time. Finding a way to bring kids to where they want to go might also help them stay motivated to work hard.
19. Be specific about your learning goals
If there aren't clearly specified objectives, it might be difficult for pupils to finish an assignment or simply behave in class. To stay motivated to work, students want and need to know what is expected of them. Set clear objectives, regulations, and expectations for students at the start of the year so that there is no confusion and kids have goals to strive toward.
20. Demonstrate a desire to learn!
Sharing your excitement is one of the most effective methods to encourage your kids. They'll be a lot more enthusiastic about learning if you're enthusiastic about teaching. That's all there is to it.
21. Make a safe atmosphere for everyone
While kids must realize that their actions have consequences, positive affirmations are considerably more motivating for pupils than threats. Students are considerably more likely to get and stay motivated to accomplish their work when teachers establish a secure, supportive atmosphere for them, reinforcing their conviction in their talents rather than laying out the penalties for not completing tasks.
At the end of the day, pupils will live up to the standards that adults transmit to them, therefore emphasis on can rather than can't.
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